Sunday, October 18, 2009

Still Here!

Happy Autumn everyone! I've been busy with neighborhood work, my mom's visit and the big 2nd birthday. I'll try to catch up on all our events, it shouldn't be hard, both kids have fevers today, so we are staying in for a bit to get well and keep others from getting sick.
These are pics from South 47 farm, we took my mom there on her first day. Did a hay ride, saw pumpkins, got some organic produce. Butters didn't like to be photographed, but I did catch some natural smiles as the tractor started moving. He did his own photo shoot, I'll try to post that next. I'll start tagging them as well. It's fun to see the world through his eyes.

As the kids would play nice together or play outside, I knitted away the summer on with these wash cloths for my middle sister. Top right is a shadow rib, same as the blanket but I alternated contrasting colors so I could carry them up the side. Bottom is a flower from weekend knitting, love this! And next is an attempt at a knitted quilt square-the log cabin. They are manos cotton. Sister approved!

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