Friday, May 8, 2009


I was going to post about this as my favorite hat. I've made three so far for several babies (still working on the size.) I was going to tell you how it fits perfectly over the ears of little ones and works well for adults, just cute and gnome-like enough. I was going to offer to knit one for the first person to comment and tell me the color of their choice.

I was going to tell you all about this as my favorite hat. Then, my husband compared the shape to a part of the male anatomy and it's not my favorite hat anymore.

But, it's still my favorite to knit, so if you don't mind walking around with a penis head, then post a comment with the color you'd like and I'll randomly pick a winner and make you one. If anyone wants it, that is!

My bog jacket is no longer portable, hence the need to have a hat on the needles! This is Elizabeth Zimmermann's Gnomy hat from the Knitters Almanac.


jad said...

Hello! I'd be proud to sport a penis hat knitted by you. Bring it on, baby. Maybe you could even knit balls on it. Is that too dirty for this site? Sorry!

Carrie said...

Ha! I don't think it looks like a penis hat. But apparently I'm out of the loop :) I've been meaning to make one of those for ages!

Megan said...

jad-I knew I should have knitted you a dildo cozy! You can get as dirty as you like, it's my site! Balls on the hat would be a little troublesome...ratio-wise : )

P. Mookie said...

It looks painful on baby E. something a Romanian mother would knit her child.

Put a pom-pom on the end it will change the look from "Oh, my God, look what that child's hat resembles" to "What a festive holiday hat!" NOT

Anonymous said...

We proudly wear our penis hats at our house--although I don't think it looks much like a penis! Micah would be excited to know her hat has a new name, though. LOL