Well, it's never quiet around here, I guess. On Thursday, I was rear-ended trying to turn left into preschool. Both kids in the car and a guy in a big, black, dirty, giant 4x4 truck took off! Hit and Run! His license started with B 13, in case you see him. Everyone is fine. My low emissions SUV is not. It's hard to NOT think, why does this happen to the good people or what kind of person hits a mom and 2 kids and takes off. But, a few comments have put things into perspective. To remind me how lucky we do have it, even if things are (still) not looking up!
My husband was out of town and got back that night, I was on the phone with the insurance lady and he called on my cell phone, I hadn't updated him. She said, "He's not far away is he? Like Iraq."
There were parks and rec people working on the road right as the accident happened, "The kids are okay, right? That's all that matters."
We are fine, cars can be replaced.
Holy crap! I hope the cops find him! Shouldn't be hard...
Jerk! I know how you feel Megs. I've been the victim of 2 hit and runs. I was lucky both times and someone witnessed the crimes and left notes on my car with information on who did it and how to contact them so they could be a witness. There are still nice people in the world, even though the guy in the truck isn't one of them, he'll get his though!
What an asshole! Awesome you saw part of the license plate number. Sorry you were hit, but what a good attitude you've got about it!
Glad you guys are okay! Hopefully someone else saw it and your insurance company will be cool.
Also I think we have the same rug as you... never noticed that before.
im sorry about your rear ender. but i love the harmonica pic! and i wish i was with you for this annual tulip fest. but glad you didn't get any mud covered pants this year. :) miss you. xoxo.
Yikes, Megs! I am glad you are all okay. And God bless good carseats, right? I hope the insurance companies are at least speedy on their end.
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