A few weekends of sun means a lot of work getting done around here. We've been fixing, painting and having lots of time outside. It's nice to have my handy husband back! I'll post before and afters soon.
My mom was here for the birthday and she left Monday. That means I've been folding my own towels and unloading the dishwasher again. Back to only 2 showers a week, if I'm lucky. No more eating out for lunch. She spoiled me, she even bought me yarn. We had a great visit with Grandma.
Butters went with Daddy to a classic cars show in downtown Everett. I stayed behind and worked on painting the hutch (a bigger undertaking than I had imagined). He turned 2 and a switch turned. He turned 4 and the switch went the other way. He's reasonable and funny and says the most hilarious things. We made snow cones with a vintage Snoopy Snow cone Machine that I've been saving. He said, "I'm so excited I just can't help it. This is such a special treat!" I used Tang for flavoring! Blast from the past. I used to live on that stuff, I'd make it so strong it was practically a solid!
I'm pretty beat, working on night weaning and trying to get The Baby Formally Known As Baby E to sleep through the night. Yes, it's true it's been 19 months and she has never once slept all night long. People who think they want kids don't always know what they are getting into, although we have a different parenting style than most. We respond. I've let it slide, thinking that's what she needed, but now I'm committed to changing things. She should really be sleeping all night and getting better rest. Plus, I'm a bit scattered brained and all over the place.
Good luck with the night sleeping, Megs. I won't tell you when Petunia started sleeping through the night. 8-)
Hmmmm, if Baby E sleeps through the night, wouldn't you too? That would be nice.
Maybe ear plugs will work until Baby E gets with the new program.
Um...this WILL happen before my visit, won't it?
Appreciate the photo of Butters. He looks like a typical boy enjoying kicking tires. Growing up so fast.
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