Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Snow and No Snow
The promised snow for last night, never came. You have to understand, my husband LIVES for snow, he was super excited at the prospect. He grew up in this area and knows that you have to have the perfect combination to get actual snow. We get the rain, because we are close to the ocean, which makes it warmer, which means - no snow. Which, I guess, happened last night. The look on his face when he pulled back the curtains, expecting a blanket of white. . . So sad. Live for the moment!
Friday, January 25, 2008
My Matched Set
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
It's Not Working

Monday, January 21, 2008
Craft Wall

My grandmother died when I was three. I remember her laugh (or at least I've heard it on old tape recordings), I have some of her embroidery and quilt work and I know how she used to fold pillowcases. She was sick a lot, I visited her in the hospital, but I wasn't privileged to know her more. As I picked out the fabric, I came across this little note: 2 yds. I kept it pinned and put it on the back of the frame, this was one of my favorite fabrics.
My dad's dad died before I was born. My dad took my sister and I to his grave and I started to cry a bit and my dad kind of laughed at me. I didn't understand at the time. As I got older, I found out my grandfather was not always a kind person. It's hard when you realize your grandparents or your parents aren't perfect. My dad probably thought it was ridiculous to cry over someone I didn't even know.
I'm hoping Butters and BabyGirl won't remember the times when I loose it and yell, but one day they will find out that I'm not without fault. If my grandkids come across a sample of my handwriting, they'd probably say, "I can't even read this, her handwriting was horrible..." (That's the least of my imperfections).
My grandmother probably wasn't perfect, either, but now I've got a little bit to inspire me, because she did do some amazing needlework and she said some funny things. And now I have a small note from her here. I hope anyway, this could be the woman's handwriting at the fabric store!
Friday, January 18, 2008
I Survived!
I get stressed out to easily with all the details. I think men would be better at staying home than women. Women need interactions with friends and adult conversations, most men I know would be happy going days w/out talking to anyone. Plus, you need to think about so much and so much could go wrong-bring snacks, diapers, change of clothes, feed the baby, go pee pee on the potty, water for yourself, etc. I start to get all freaked out and then I forget to have fun. That was the turning point for me this week, when I remembered I need to have fun. We went to a jumpy place that we hadn't been to before and Butters wasn't really playing on the giant inflatable structures, he was playing with the kids toys, some of which we had a home. I'm a cheap ass and all I could think was, "We paid 6 bucks to get here and you aren't bouncing!!!"
Well, if he needs to play with the little toys to get used to the place, let him. Baby girl fell asleep in her pouch, so I put her in the car seat so I could jump w/ the boy and get him used to it. As I moved the baby, she woke up. She'll be fine, remember to have fun. I started jumping like crazy, running crazy on the jumpy thing, bouncing on my butt. I didn't care if I peep my pants, if my legs were sore or if I had a bra on with absolutely no support. Butters thought Mom was funny and that's all that mattered. He bounced and laughed and keeps asking to go back.
(DH just called, he's got his bag and he's waiting for the parking shuttle!)
I need to remember that they are only young once, I'm not sitting at a desk at a job I hate and at least I have a roof over my head.
That reminds me, we are going to need a new roof in a few years...now I'm stressed out again.

Monday, January 14, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Suck it, Martha!

Starting from top left: washcloth and scrubber set with fancy Body Shop plum soap, cable belt for Dithy from Stitch and Bitch Nation, Sizzle tank from fancy yarn I ended up hating for Shelly, and a mobius basket for my Aunt Kathy from scrap Manos.

A felted flower for P. Mookie. Hand warmers and the Harlot's Cable Hat, wrapped in Cmas bags for NJ and Jill. And some handmade pillowcases for some crazy kids in San Fran.

Today is the baby's 3rd birthday month-I did a photo shoot but my camera battery died. More tomorrow.
PS. Blogger SUCKS, I can't get the layout right for this, preview never works and the darn photos keep moving on me. Anyhoos, that's why the text is all wonky, sorry!
Sunday, January 6, 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Christmas in Pictures

Playing with older cousins (a bad photo but great faces!)

Being held by professionals!

Meeting Santa (look at the wonder on that face, we were on the fence about doing Santa or not and this made it worth it!)

Visiting and being loved by family.

Doing things you don't necessarily want to, but being a good sport about it!