Well, if the sewing gene is in me I think it's needs to be catalysed or maybe it mutated, because I suck at sewing. I made a crayon roll, and it's totally cute in theory, but sucks in execution. Like eating a donut: it sounds like a good idea, but ends up making you feel yucky all day.

I combined Kathy from
Pink Chalk Studio's pencil roll pattern with
this crayon roll pattern and what I made will hold crayons but it's not perfect. The lines are wonky. I didn't have interfacing so I thought, "make it from flannel, why don't other people do that?" Well, they don't do it because it get so thick you can't fit it under your machine foot! Plus, I put outside tie ribbon in the wrong place, so when I turned everything, the ribbon was
inside the crayon roll! None of this makes sense to some of you, but now some of it does to me, I guess I just need more practice.
It's a gift for a young boy, who won't notice, would you make a new one or give it as is? A 4 year old won't notice, but it's the principle-giving an imperfect, slightly wonky gift. Would you do it?
It's so cute! You should totally send it. He will love putting the crayons in the slots.
Petunia would love it. Of course, she would never put crayons in it and would turn it into a belt, a tablecloth, a flower...
Having made one of these myself.. :) I can say that the lines for the quilted top of the pink chalk studio one do help to keep those lines straight on the pocket part. But it does take a crapload of time! Also making it longer helps to keep stuff in.
I think it's cute but if you feel wierd about giving it, it might depend on who it's for? For example, you could totally give it to us ;) Kids dig pockets no matter what!
You had to ask.
Plan A - I would 1/have a strong drink 2/make it again taking MY TIME SEWING SLOWLY using a walking foot, which will hold the fabric in place 3/not use flannel!!!! and 4/use matching thread so your stitching doesn't show.
Plan B - ask yourself if every time you look at it or mention it -- will you talk about the errors? If so, go with Plan A and give your 'practice piece' to Butters.
AND, you do not suck at sewing. You need practice and then a little more practice.
You are creative and bright...just like your aunt.
Enjoy the challenge!
I think it's beautiful. Embrace the wonkiness and give it with love. When I took my first quilt class I was paralyzed with doing everything perfect. My teacher told me to "always move forward". Those are words I constantly recite to myself. Celebrate the achievement and start planning the next!
Thanks everyone for all the great comments! The birthday party is this sunday, so he'll get this one, I decided he'll enjoy it, wonky stitches and all!
I have limited time to buy interfacing and figure out how to use my walking foot (I got one for my b-day, but it's an intimidating contraption!)
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