Starting from top left: washcloth and scrubber set with fancy Body Shop plum soap, cable belt for Dithy from Stitch and Bitch Nation, Sizzle tank from fancy yarn I ended up hating for Shelly, and a mobius basket for my Aunt Kathy from scrap Manos.

A felted flower for P. Mookie. Hand warmers and the Harlot's Cable Hat, wrapped in Cmas bags for NJ and Jill. And some handmade pillowcases for some crazy kids in San Fran.

Today is the baby's 3rd birthday month-I did a photo shoot but my camera battery died. More tomorrow.
PS. Blogger SUCKS, I can't get the layout right for this, preview never works and the darn photos keep moving on me. Anyhoos, that's why the text is all wonky, sorry!
1 comment:
I love my gerber daisy, but it is lonely. Perhaps this holiday season you'll felt it a friend...a daffodil or a tulip perhaps?
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