I finished up some secret projects,they've been mailed and received so now I can post about them!

Finished up a knitted penguin for Liane's new baby girl. I started this when she was pregnant and the baby was born in July, oops! Oh well, the kid will never remember!

This is a heart shaped purse for my neighbor growing up. She got married on Friday but I couldn't go to Ky for the wedding. This is just big enough for some lipstick, powder and tissues. A something old (my mom sewed an old button on), something new (the yarn), borrowed (uh, the button again) and blue! I gave her some sisterly advice-drink white wine as red wine makes your teeth discolored and you don't want to spill on your dress. Very important. And, don't be a drunk bride, your mom will not be happy.

Here is why you don't want to be a pet in our household! E is always bringing toys over to Levi and Butters harasses the cat like you wouldn't believe. When I was pregnant with him, I read a passage about raising a compassionate human because as a vegetarian I brought life into the world without sacrificing any other life and he just terrorizes living things. He started riding the dog like a horse today!
I've decided to try and limit my holiday knitting-tea towels and wash clothes, mittens and socks. Simple, small and usable. Otherwise, I'll buy stuff from your list, I think my family is tired of my buying gifts for them that I would like!
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