...but I do have the coolest Wonder Woman glass that is almost as old as I am!
Ty and I (yes, I'm using his real name) took a trip to Costa Rica after dating about 6 months. We hiked, explored, got lost, had a few scary mishaps, many romantic moments and on the last day we carried all our goods around in a major city, lost in the rain and I suggested we get a cab to the hotel. Ty wanted us to walk. I didn't want to let him down, I didn't want him to think I was weak and therefore, all women were weak. Then I thought about it more. I had around 40 lbs on my back; we had hiked or biked all week long, I battled scorpions and slept in a thatch roof hut. I felt I had proven myself enough. I put down my backpack and yelled, "I'm not wonder woman and I'm tired and we are getting a ride!" (or something close to that).
Well, Butters had a Dad's night at preschool and Ty wasn't sure he could make it, and we toughed it out this far and so we figured, why not, call in the reinforcements, we don't have anything to prove! So, my in laws came up to help us, and we are sure glad to have them.
Thank you again for all the kind words and support. My mom has told us how proud she is of us for handling this and really, we just don't have a choice. But, a few friends have told me I'm an inspiration, and that makes me feel really good. It helps me keep my shit together when Butters is yelling at the top of his lungs and standing on his chair or the baby doesn't want to be put down and when I see how hard this is for my dear husband. If I can help someone else going through far less or, holy mohair, even far more than this, then I'm happy to let you all into our lives. We are down to single digits-9 more treatments to go.
1 comment:
Press on, Megan, Press on!! Do you remember that day at UR?
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