Yes, I am an Obamama! I dropped off the ballots yesterday and I've been volunteering for the campaign from home-making calls while knitting with the few minutes I can find! Having grandpa here has helped me considerably.
Not much time left before the big election, so I wanted to encourage everyone to vote, and to vote for the person you believe in. I believe in Barack Obama. He inspires me. He makes me want to do more for my country, to make this the best country it can be. He has concrete plans to get this country back on track. We are facing an economic crisis, we need to end the war in Iraq and we need to heal the wounds that 8 years of George Bush has caused. I've worked on various campaigns in the last 10 years, but I've never seen a candidate like this and I've never felt so moved by a person.
Please, please consider voting for Barack Obama. I got married in a time of war, had two kids during a war and I don't want them to start school during a war, too!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I'm Not Wonder Woman

...but I do have the coolest Wonder Woman glass that is almost as old as I am!
Ty and I (yes, I'm using his real name) took a trip to Costa Rica after dating about 6 months. We hiked, explored, got lost, had a few scary mishaps, many romantic moments and on the last day we carried all our goods around in a major city, lost in the rain and I suggested we get a cab to the hotel. Ty wanted us to walk. I didn't want to let him down, I didn't want him to think I was weak and therefore, all women were weak. Then I thought about it more. I had around 40 lbs on my back; we had hiked or biked all week long, I battled scorpions and slept in a thatch roof hut. I felt I had proven myself enough. I put down my backpack and yelled, "I'm not wonder woman and I'm tired and we are getting a ride!" (or something close to that).
Well, Butters had a Dad's night at preschool and Ty wasn't sure he could make it, and we toughed it out this far and so we figured, why not, call in the reinforcements, we don't have anything to prove! So, my in laws came up to help us, and we are sure glad to have them.
Thank you again for all the kind words and support. My mom has told us how proud she is of us for handling this and really, we just don't have a choice. But, a few friends have told me I'm an inspiration, and that makes me feel really good. It helps me keep my shit together when Butters is yelling at the top of his lungs and standing on his chair or the baby doesn't want to be put down and when I see how hard this is for my dear husband. If I can help someone else going through far less or, holy mohair, even far more than this, then I'm happy to let you all into our lives. We are down to single digits-9 more treatments to go.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Half Way
We've reached the half way point in DH's radiation treatment-he's been blasted 12 times and has 12 more to go. He's tired, it's hard, I'm not going to sugar coat things or bitch too much, but on the off chance that this could help others, I'll share a little of what our days are like.
When we wake there are typically 2 kids snuggled into bed with us, or pushing us off the side. I get up with both, let DH catch a few more Zzzs and I get the coffee started. Yesterday was a special treat, my friend watched the baby so I could take Butters on his field trip to the pumpkin patch. They had a rule that you can't bring siblings but another mom brought her kids so I was a bit pissed. It was cold and foggy but the fog lifted to a beautiful day. I had on several hand knits-scarf, hat and socks.
We played back at my friend's house and jumped in the leaves. We came home, gave the baby a nap, I did TWO loads of laundry, cleaned up, vacuumed, etc. DH got ready for his appointment-he changed into a T-shirt. You can't wear buttons, I suspect because they will melt but we haven't asked. DH leaves at 4 pm, we tell Butters he's getting special medicine from the doctor, or just that he has an appointment. I stare out the window and drink wine or coffee, depending on the day, the weather and amount of sleep. I work on dinner, straighten up, referee the kids, read w/the kids or knit a row or two. I think today we'll go for a walk along the river, I hate waiting, I feel like Abigail Adams.
When T gets home, he's allowed to pull off a ring on the special count down I made him. Each loop has a reason to fight his way through the exhaustion and keep driving himself everyday to get radiated. There was one R-rated loop that my mom of course saw while she was in town. How does that always happen? I swear there could be one sex scene in an otherwise G movie and my dad would walk right in during the bad part and say, "what are you watching?"
DH wakes up tired and feeling like he's got a hang over, as do I, but he has a better excuse. I've decided to try and go to bed by 10:30, no more staying up late knitting and watching Girls Next Store, although if you say TV can't teach you anything, you are wrong, Kendra from GNS taught me what a 'chocolate starfish' is and that saves me from the public embarrassment of NOT knowing, ya know!

We have dinner, everyone at the same table, which is crazy that I even have to specify that but I guess some families don't do that! DH and I entertain, feed the kids and each person shares what their favorite part of the day was. Here are yesterdays:
Butters: Picking out a big daddy pumpkin for Daddy!
Daddy: Getting slippers as a present from Mommy! (I sewed him a pair of slippers for making it this far)
E: (our guess): playing with her friend-pictured
Then, baths, stories and bedtime. I put the baby to sleep, DH puts Butters to bed and we are done by 8:30 or so. We sit and watch TV and I fold laundry, do dishes, etc and get ready to do it all again tomorrow.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008

Three birthdays in a row-DH is 35, Baby turned 1 and my mother in law is 60 today! Last year, DH said he never wanted to share his cake (he was mostly kidding), so this year we had two parties and two cakes. First, an ice cream cake from BR-peanut butter and chocolate ice cream with white cake after dinner on Saturday. Next, a butterfly cake for the girl after brunch on Sunday. So, Grandma is here for a bit, so we'll take in the sites, go to the Halloween store and take the dog to the vet!
We had a fantastic birthday filled weekend. The baby liked her cake, I don't have time for much so here is a photo montage!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sorry, I've been Facebooking!
I finished up some secret projects,they've been mailed and received so now I can post about them!
Finished up a knitted penguin for Liane's new baby girl. I started this when she was pregnant and the baby was born in July, oops! Oh well, the kid will never remember!
This is a heart shaped purse for my neighbor growing up. She got married on Friday but I couldn't go to Ky for the wedding. This is just big enough for some lipstick, powder and tissues. A something old (my mom sewed an old button on), something new (the yarn), borrowed (uh, the button again) and blue! I gave her some sisterly advice-drink white wine as red wine makes your teeth discolored and you don't want to spill on your dress. Very important. And, don't be a drunk bride, your mom will not be happy.
Here is why you don't want to be a pet in our household! E is always bringing toys over to Levi and Butters harasses the cat like you wouldn't believe. When I was pregnant with him, I read a passage about raising a compassionate human because as a vegetarian I brought life into the world without sacrificing any other life and he just terrorizes living things. He started riding the dog like a horse today!
I've decided to try and limit my holiday knitting-tea towels and wash clothes, mittens and socks. Simple, small and usable. Otherwise, I'll buy stuff from your list, I think my family is tired of my buying gifts for them that I would like!

I've decided to try and limit my holiday knitting-tea towels and wash clothes, mittens and socks. Simple, small and usable. Otherwise, I'll buy stuff from your list, I think my family is tired of my buying gifts for them that I would like!
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