Things are going well, baby is 17 days old today and I feel like this is my first chance to actually write something other than captions. Trouble is, I don't know where to start and my brain is mush. I'm basically living on nighttime 'naps' (you can't call it sleep) and coffee (but not too much or you'll keep the baby awake).
BabyGirl is doll, she's beautiful, she's perfect and she sleeps about 98% of the time! I've been having trouble getting her to latch on, it can take up to an hour sometimes then by the time she eats, poops, eats again, outfit change, it's about 2 hours to feed her. My friend is a co-leader with LLL so I got some good tips. It was encouraging to hear that everyone has trouble breastfeeding. She said all kids are different, even my body is different than with Butters. He had no trouble pointing this out as he lifted up my shirt today and told me about my belly button and how the baby grew in there, then he said, and I'm surprised I didn't start crying, "Mommy has rolls!" Hence, this post's title.
We are getting out a lot, we need to with a 2.5 year old! I was able to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans this weekend-a joy to actually zip a pair of pants! We've been having a lot of visitors and we had our coming out to the knitting group, E wore the Zimmerman sweater I knitted. I think she likes it. There's a pic at the top, she looks like she is saying, "I'm ready for my close up." I took photos of Butters all the time, but never because of his outfits, I had to get some of the baby today in her pink clothes.
T is looking at Ellie sleep right now and he just said, "Maybe we should have another one." Yeah, right.
C's Grandmother is an amazing seamstress; she made him a pirate costume for Halloween worthy of the stage. Trouble is, he won't put the thing on. "No, No, put it away." He screams. He said he wanted to be a pirate. I think we'll have to photoshop the thing on him. Take a pic of Butters by the door and a pic of the costume and morph them together! Butters has been amazing lately. He makes the most amazing comments and seems to have grown so much in the last few weeks. He's a great big brother, very gentle with the baby, unless he's trying to climb on my lap while I'm nursing her. He asked me to put the covers on him tonight and after I did he said, "That's great, mama."
I'm feeling the urge to knit a sweater for myself. Like it's the only thing that will get me through this time, I need to make something for me. I want to make the top Wicked with some purple Cascade yarn I was petting a few months ago at the shop. I need a quick, mindless knit and I need it to be all about ME. I've got so many other beings depending on me right now and crazy things happening. When I put my shoes on this morning, there were 5 raisins in the left shoe. We found a mouse in our basement. And Luna, our slightly morbidly obese cat, is sick. Mama needs some yarn and a new project.
Come on, girl. You KNOW your milkshake brings all the boys to the yard!
Seriously, could you have some kids that look more like you?
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