It started 12 hours earlier, with a comment from me that my shower wasn't very hot that morning. T went downstairs to check things, "swish swish swish," went the carpet. New hot water heaters aren't that expensive, we wanted to go with the energy efficient model or the instant heat models we read about online, but we had to go with what was in the store (which was shorter than the old one b/c they don't make them anymore...) We thought we'd save money on the installation ($1200), T said, "I think I can figure this out." It took 12 hours, 2 men (thanks for coming up, Grandpa!) and 4 trips to the hardware store. But, he did it.
I think I rely on my man's handiness too much, I don't even try to hammer a nail in the wall to hang a picture, I ask him to do it. But, I also remember the Plaster Incident of 2001, when the newly installed wall shelf came crashing down along with half the wall plaster, "We can't have shelves on these walls, we CAN NOT have shelves."
Bad things come in threes, about 36 hours after the Hot Water Incident of 2007, the windows started leaking when rain came from the north. Then, I discovered where all the installation is coming from that the dog gets into-we've got animals under the roof pulling it out and running all over the yard with it! Now we just need a dry day to fix all this...

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