I have a legacy of crafty female stock to call on-mostly quilting and embroidery, not many knitters like myself. P. Mookie taught me how to make pillow cases and she's made a number for us. Last time I was at her house, she gave me a new batch, I unfolded them, took a look, made sure to comment how much I liked them, folded them back up and put them down. "Who folded these like this?" My aunt asked, with a little laugh. She took each case, folded it in half, in half again and then thirds.
I brought the cases home and showed my mom. She opened each one and folded it the same way as my aunt, half, half and thirds. My mom and my aunt have made different life choices, but they came from the same stock of strong women who have passed on a number of traits, including the proper way to fold a pillowcase. It's funny how close sisters can be, but we always know exactly how to make the other one mad (I'm speaking from my experiences on this one.) My sister Dithy likes to pinch my butt, I'm in a constant clench in her presences and I'm conscience of who is behind me. Luckily, I was granted the pregnancy dispensation, but that will become exempt very soon. Hopefully, I can ask for a breastfeeding one next!

I always ask other mothers if their children of opposite gender are still close. I like the idea of my matched set, but I wonder if they will be close. Close enough to be honest with the other and know how to make the other one laugh and also cry with the pinch of a butt! If they are pinching each others butts' as adults, I'd rather not hear about it.