Scary, isn't it. She's Art Garfunkel in need of a shave. You worry that your child will be healthy, at least that's what you tell people, but deep down, you really don't want your children to be ugly. This is will keep me up at night!
I went to the midwife and asked how big she thought the baby was, she felt around and said about 5.5 lbs, which puts her to 8 lbs or so at birth. Then we got another ultra sound (I had an almost placenta previa) and they spent about 10 minutes calculating the weight, and the technician said, about 5.5 lbs! The weird thing is, 8 lbs at birth sounds so small to me, Butters was 9.9. I'm already worried that I'm not doing as good a job with this one. I know it's crazy, 9.9 is excessive and we don't need to have babies that big, I just want to give her a good head start. Eight is good, it's healthy. We are going to birth this one at home, so I don't need her to be much bigger!
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