Thursday, September 10, 2009


We had a lovely day today- trip to the Zoo and then a stop at Trophy Cupcakes in Wallingford, a neighborhood of Seattle. We usually do Cupcake Royale, woman owned and she gives her employees health care. Trophy is a level fancier, similar price, cute decor and they have a parking lot. I had peanut butter frosting on chocolate cupcake. The kids got lemon cupcake with strawberry frosting and sprinkles. We brought home a snicker doodle for Dad! I refuse to choose sides, I'll go to the one closest to me!

You can tell that Butters is tired of being photographed but E certainly is not!

On the way home, the kids played their favorite car game: Butters yells E's name and she turns her head and pretends to ignore him. Tomorrow I'm hosting a park clean up for Sept 11th remembrance and day of service and then next week we start pre-school!


jad said...

I love E's smile.

P. Mookie said...

I vote for Butters taking more photos. He's good!