I'm so far behind on my blog posts. We just got back from a weekend in Olympia, but I've still got Kentucky photos to share and we are taking another trip this weekend. Busy summer. I upgraded to a Blackberry phone and I'm completely addicted, so I've kept my facebook page up to date with photos and stories and useless nonsense. The blog has suffered. It's still hot here, only 85 today but still not pleasant to sit in front of a computer.
I heard from the grapevine that people wanted more photos from KY, so here is a sampling from the aquarium and coney island, where I found a praying mantis-see E's finger.
Can never show us too many photos of Butters, E, cousins, etc.
E is stunning in her heart swimsuit.
Butters is well...you can see the wheels spinning in his head as he examines whatever he is holding.
Ahhh the Ohio River. I actually sort of miss it. Looks like you had fun!
Um, who is that beautiful young lady standing to the left of your mother? I'd heard she was hard to get a photo of, how ever did you accomplish that?
Actually, that beautiful young lady I was talking about is standing to the RIGHT of your mother, in reality...
The elusive Aunt photo, I didn't ask permission. She is very beautiful, isn't she!
Yes, she is beautiful, and I didn't mean to be anonymous, just didn't click on in the right field. Those are from me too. I like it, gotta be sneaky with the big sis!
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