The kids and I made popovers from a Mollie Katzen recipe book for preschoolers (love her!). Easy recipe-paint butter on a muffin tin. Whisk 2 eggs, a cup of milk, a cup of flour and some salt. Bake for 30 mins. They were a hit. The kids also made 'soup' in the sink. A wild concoction of Italian seasoning, soap and toothpicks.

Tinker Toys ended up in my coffee. I didn't even blink, just kept drinking. Luckily, they were plastic and not the wood ones. Next to my favorite cup is my Bog Jacket I'm working on. It's too big for traveling at this point and I need to start a smaller project, this will stay in the house from now on.

We had a lazy day; cleaning and cooking, visiting the library and playing in boxes. Kids always ended playing with the box! Ice cubes in the bath tub are also cheap and easy! Can you tell I've been cutting corners lately? Every good mom needs a library card, sprinkles or chocolate chips in the pantry and band aids in your purse!
At the knitting night I used to go to, I once spoke at length with a librarian about children's education. She told me the best way to help kids succeed-read to them. It's no secrete and it's simple, she told me. We read to both kids, individually, at bedtime and I often grab books throughout the day. This is about the third time DH read this book to Butters! DH suggested trying a different one, Butters replied, "But I LOVE this one." You can't argue with that! Note: the expert Tinker Toy Wall-E robot in the corner and crazy hair on the boy!
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