Thursday, February 19, 2009

One Needs a Cookie

Well, here I am 8:30 pm and the kids are in bed but it's been a looong day. Both babes are sick with fevers and stuffy noses and I'm recovering from the flu. There were territorial disputes over my lap. My sister and I are only 15 months apart, I seriously don't know how my mom survived those early years. But, today wasn't bad we watched a movie, read a ton of books, got out old toys and a race track. I managed to throw two loads of laundry in and knitting a brioche hat is keeping me sane and awake. I felt like Loretta Lynn, "One needs a hugging and one needs a changin'." But, leave out the "one's on the way," part as we are NOT having any more kids! Two is more than we can handle.

This was yesterday.

This was today.

I brushed over a few topics topics lately, mainly DH's health. I did a one liner that he is fine and a number of people asked or emailed about more details. The two of us are still in near disbelief at the last year. I've been reliving each ordeal-the nosebleed, back problems, first surgery, second surgery, radiation etc by way of receipts for taxes (hello, Refund). It was pretty much always on our mind but it's less on our mind each day. Getting the thumbs up from the Doc last visit was a big relief and we'll probably hold our breath for the next test and the next but then it will all be routine and it won't be on our minds as much. He'll go back in four months, then get scans again and a check up four months after that, then every six months or so.
I have a lot to catch the blog up on: I finally made it to Madrona (did some shopping), I have some news about our local park and I have some knitting to share. I'll try to log in again in a few days.
Ha! Now it's 9:05 PM as both kids woke up already. Ugh. DH is still helping Butters fall asleep. He keeps coughing and waking up.

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