Less than a year ago, a guy called to offer us a limited time offer on insurance for all our major appliances. We could try it free for a month. We don't need it, I told him. When we bought the house, it came with all new appliances, except the hot water heater. Everything else was less than 2 years old. A few days later, the hot water heater broke.

A few months ago, I noticed frost in my fridge. $600 later, we have a very expensive favorite seat for Baby E (it's chocolate cake on her dress, but that's another story). Apparently, there is a part in this brand fridge that breaks so often the repair guy thinks it should be recalled-he carries back up parts in his van. Still, $600 bucks.

Tonight, the dishwasher didn't drain. Ty took off the bottom to investigate and everyone came over for a look (don't throw stones, I'll bet under your dishwasher isn't sanitary either, plus, he vacuumed after this picture.) Let's hope we don't have to spend our Christmas money on a new dishwasher, I was hoping to buy the
Addi Click system!
Yikes I hope nothing else breaks! Also, I had no idea an Addi Click system existed! Cool!
The photo reminds me of the SNL skits with the repairman who would bend down and you'd see his b*tt crack! Nice crop on the photo. It is cute seeing B and Baby E 'helping.'
Baby E is a miniature of her father. They look so much alike.
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