Thursday, August 28, 2008

End of the Summer?

Today was rainy, time to start the indoor fun again. I hope we have a few more days of sunshine, but just in case, I had a stroke of genius and moved a tent over the swings so we can continue to swing in the rain. I had better catch you up with what they kids have been doing and growing!

The baby is cruising and spends more time standing and slowly rising up (I call her the Great Pumpkin) than she does crawling. She's taken a few little steps, including a few that I've missed and wondered how she moved so quickly from one place to another. She can say mamma and almost dadda and tries to copy the cats' meows. She still doesn't sleep through the night!

Butters missed his friends but had a blast with his cousins and aunts. I can't believe how resilient he was, slept in several different places over the weeks, went from person to person. He was very go with the flow. He picked up a few bad habits ("It's no big deal, mamma"), but he also learned how to pull down his pants, so we are officially potty trained. We turned a corner this week and he likes to do it, "by myself." He says. He is currently in love with Buzz Lightyear and told me he didn't want to have a penis, because Buzz Lightyear doesn't have one.
Can't believe all the love and support we are still getting, just today I got some awesome cookies and a wonderful letter in the mail! Thanks, TiffTiff.

1 comment:

Liane said...

Glad you are back! I love all the pictures. Did you get your yarn in the mail yet?