Saturday, August 9, 2008

DH Update

My husband is doing well. He's in stable condition after a 7 hour surgery, the surgeons feel they got all the cancer, we'll know pathology in a few days. Family is fine, kids are fine, but I'm feeling like a brat since a friend read through my thinly veiled/ridiculous call for yarn-she became the yarn fairy:) If you would like to do something to help, please consider donating blood or making a donation to your favorite cancer organization. Here's a list of my favorites.
Love you guys!

University of Pittsburg Med Center
American Cancer Society
Breast Cancer Action


Liane said...

Great news! Glad to hear the update--we're all thinking of you here!

Sara said...

Your family is in my thoughts Megan. Glad to hear of the news!

Anonymous said...

Love you!!