I finished a pair of socks for Butters, they'll fit him next winter!

I used leftover yarn from the socks I made his grandpa for Christmas. This is how much yarn I had after 4 total socks. I was holding my breath! I can't believe I made it. For my non-knitting friends out there, this is like having 1 second left on your cd when you burn a mix. Or, finishing up a seam and using the last of your bobbin thread. Pulling into the gas station on empty. Yeah, that close! I thought I was going to have to give it a different colored toe, I don't like to undo knitting. Next up on these same needles, a pair of socks for JAD, who is a huge fan of NKOTB and
their reunion! I can't believe I lost my voice over those guys...
A special shout out to my lovely canine model. Get outside and enjoy the sun, everyone!
1 comment:
Yippee!!! I got mentioned on the blog. I love how the New Kids music made me feel back in the day. Sorta the way Garth Brooks or Michael Bublé's music affect me now.
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