Sunday, February 27, 2011


Snow day, no school, sledding with friends and lots of hot chocolate.

Butters didn't want to go down the hill after the first time. E jumped up and said, "Again!" She went down it around 6 times, he did it twice. Then, last night, we got around 3 inches and Butters finally enjoyed sledding, it was dark out and he rolled down our backyard and couldn't get enough of it.


This was going to be a post with pictures of Princess E dancing all around the room in her ballet class.

But during the parent observation day, she decided against participating. She one of the youngest in the class, and that day, it showed. She usually hangs on the teachers every word and has a great time. On this day, the parents walked in and her face dropped. She told me later, "I didn't do what the teacher told me to do."

Strong willed, that girl. Something tells me this could be the last photo from ballet!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We Made That!

The kids and DH made this to send to Grandma.

I made this play tent for the table. Inspired by this one (click here), but not as nice since my table is 89" long! I hope to go back and add windows.
We made this for my mom's birthday. The center needlework is by my grandmother who had put this on a dress for my aunt. The fabric was my grandmothers, so I used it to make a boarder. The frame is made by DH from purple heartwood. That amazing purple hue is the natural color of the wood!