Butters' illness before Cmas meant we couldn't leave the house. So, when DH got home early on Wednesday, I hit the road for a last minute gift and some road rage. I was home in time (the sun goes down around 4:30) to take a walk with E who had been couped up and needed some attention, too! Take a walk with us!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
The Old Bum
We went to Olympia for the holidays and now it's time to detox and play with all our toys. Butters was sick during the holiday but he's back to his old self-pestering his sister and demanding sugary treats, oh and telling jokes and giving kisses! Look how mellow he is.
For Santa, we don't put a huge emphasis on him bringing all the gifts. We had our own Cmas morning the weekend before, then family meals and gift opening Cmas eve down in Oly, then Cmas morning, Santa leaves a little something in the stockings. I never know where we'll be, so the stockings are portable and small! I had fruit candies, water color paint and a small gift and a ball for each. I ask Butters what Santa brings and he said, "Candy canes or something?" So, I had DH pick up candy canes, too! Here's why there are more pictures of E on the blog them Butters, he doesn't like having his picture taken anymore (I wonder why?). This was Cmas morning.
Last month, we asked Butters what he wanted for Cmas, Darth Vader's Tie Fighter or Boba Fett's ship. He wanted Boba's ship. DH found and bought it on eBay. We opened presents, then saw Santa at the toy store. He asked Santa for the Tie Fighter. On the drive home, we asked him why, "Because I already had Boba Fett's ship!" Next time, Santa before the presents!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Twenty-nine! I can't believe it.
And, neither should you! I'm 34 today, but decided to throw a last minute party and pretend to be 29 again. I don't know how kids know it's your birthday, but at the stroke of midnight last night, Butters came to my room to deliver the news, "Mom, I was coughing and then I spit up all over the place." Well, it all went down hill fast: 3 pajama changes, 2 bed sheets, a constant battle for attention (one needs me and the other wants me) and 6 loads of laundry later and now here I am. Twenty-nine again.
About three in the morning last night, I was awake listening to the sound of snoring, a tummy grumbling and the rain falling. I remembered a time I had asked for my birthday to not have to change any diapers. That was the Target Parking Lot Incident of 2007 and I won't replay to you what happened, all I'll say is, that kids know when it's your birthday or mother's day or any other special day and that's when they test you the most!
Instead, I will remember the day before my birthday-a gathering with friends and window shopping in Snohomish-decked out in antiques for the holidays. I had temporarily lifted my "No Christmas References During My Birthday" Rule to allow my wonderful husband to serve cupcakes on a snowman plate and we had a great morning pretending it was early family Festivus opening all our gifts. And next year, I'll celebrate my half birthday during the summer solstice and really have some fun. Birthdays are still fun and cause for celebration, just not mine, today. :)
Friday, December 18, 2009
Snow Walk
"Let's take a walk, it's snowing out." We got bundled up and the snow ended! But, the ponds were frozen and we let the kids ice skate on some small frozen puddles. Everyone but the dog enjoyed it, dogs don't enjoy skidding. I was happy to keep the family warm in their hand knits, but I need to get started on family mittens.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
You can see some some sacrificed yarn in the background, around the door knob, it was a small price to pay to the toy goddesses for me to get some online shopping done! Plus, it's acrylic!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Catch Up!
Unintended blog vacation, I'll catch you up on a few things. We had a lovely Thanksgiving with the in-laws including a one night stay at a Shelton Casino with just DH and myself. We Festivus shopped for the kids (together! alone!), shopped the downtown stores in Olympia and had a blast on the slot machines. We were (okay I was) drunk by 6 pm! We didn't make it past midnight, but getting up at 5 am will do that to you.
It's cold here, in the teens at night and not above freezing during the day. The dog doesn't even like to go out. Last week, while the sun was out and it was warmer we made it to the zoo, but I didn't remember my camera. I only had the backpack, no stroller. Princess E ended up on my shoulders. It was fun, the kids were great. We rode the carousel, met up with friends, stopped at the park after. I was exhausted. DH asked the kids if they had fun, and Butters said, "No." I nearly died! What's the point, what am I doing all this for? I could just turn the TV on all day!
Getting ready for the next holiday and feeling the Christmas Craft Crunch. Time to decide what I have time for and what's too optimistic.
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