If I had a nickle for
every time I've heard that in the last few months I'd be a rich woman. I want to do it myself or I did it myself is his new mantra. Also on the list, "I can do this because I'm four."
My temper flares up so easily and so often, I'm considering no longer doing it myself and trying out
Yaz or
zoloft. I don't want Butters and Ms. E to remember me like this, but certain times of the month I'm a crazy lady. More than a crazy lady. I actually screamed "No Body Contact," the other day! The kids are constantly pestering each other. I remember how much fun it was to drive my sibling nuts and I knew exactly how to do it. But, my heart tells me I'm on the fringe of the normal freak out for getting them to put their clothes on and leave each other alone. So, it might be time for some chemical intervention. The fact that Butters and E mimic my behaviors-throwing things and yelling-makes me ask what am I teaching my kids.