I was getting packages ready to be mailed today and I ran downstairs to grab the packing tape. I figure the kids would be fine, but I should have worried about the furniture! I was gone about 10 seconds, the time to sprint down the stairs, grab tape and run back up. I found this when I got back:

That's permanent marker! She even had a spot under her nose! She kept repeating, "Nooooooo," as I was scrubbing it off, most of it scrubbed away, but now I need to put a new layer of finish on the table.
There is an age where the 'bad' things kids do-like unrolling the toilet paper go from being cute to getting them in trouble. Writing on the furniture with permanent marker will never be cute and I admit I held a grudge for about thirty minutes, but that sweet little face made me forget all about it, until I look at my table and chairs!