Big updates to include you on, I have so much to catch up on, I have a lot to get out of my head First off, Baby E:

Teeth: Got the bottom right one on May 1st. Others are coming in soon.
Hair: Just enough to get messed up now. Not in a big way, more like when your eyebrows are messed up after a funny night sleep.

We went for a family indoor swim and the baby was kicking around like crazy, she loved it. She loves everything. I'm taking happy lessons from her. Butters and I swim a few times a month, but he was a little overwhelmed by all the kids. We've been playing outside a lot with some Spring weather. The baby likes the swing, too. Sometimes Butters doesn't want me to push her. The lilac bush is starting to open and I'm finally wearing flip flops.

Baby E is in the easily distracted stage of breast feeding. She hears a sound and jerks her head. Not fun. All the lactating ladies out there know what I'm talking about. We've been going upstairs to nurse by ourselves which is nice to have some alone time. It also gives me a chance to read, I've been devouring books. You may think I should be bonding with her, but her eyes are closed, so what, am I supposed to stare at her? I look at her all the time. It's all good.
Books I read: Cocktails for Three by Medeleine Wickham, Broken Paradise by Cecilia Samartin (great fiction about Cuba's revolution), Captain Hornblower by CS Forester (I know, a very unlikely choice but this is a great series) and Friday Night Knitting Club (I'm pissed about the end).
Speaking of books, Butters has transitioned into longer books. It seemed to happen all of a sudden. The board picture books are still fun, but he's loving stories. Mercer Mayer's Little Critter and Little Monster and a Halloween mouse book he picked out at the library. He likes stories and likes to tell stories and has a ton of funny sayings: Yep, that's right. That's fantastic. It sure is. He put this hamper over his head and said,"I'm a silly guy, Mama!"
I don't mean to be self-deprecating in this blog, and I do feel lucky to have this job, I'm trying to share the truth because I know others can relate and maybe I can help them feel better! A friend of mine who recently had a baby told me, "This is so hard! It's so much harder than I thought it would be!" I want others to know what they could be getting into. Of course, there are the dear moments that I want to remember as well. Carrying Baby E in the backpack and feeling her little hand hold my elbow. Waking up this morning and Butters telling me, "Oranges are juicy." I just don't want to bore you with only the good stuff. I'm very proud to be a mom. I'm just realizing we haven't evolved to do it alone.