Saturday, May 31, 2008

Support the locals

Baby Girl has an impossible-to-capture-on-camera fuzzhead. She'll sit for hours playing and butt scooting all around the carpet. Butters likes to play with her and he tells her he loves her. I walked them to the park in a double stroller and he held her hand the whole way, so cute! He kisses her and commentates, "I will kiss her, she's so cute. She a little baby and she has little tiny feet!"

Baby E makes grouchy faces all the time. She's starting to pull herself up and has a bit of a red tint to her voluminous hair! She still wakes up throughout the night, sometimes every two hours. I expect to wake up in the morning and see a mouth full of teeth or that she's grown 6 feet. I don't believe in sleep training, so unless it becomes unbearable we'll just keep what we are doing for now-lots of snuggling and serious co-dependency (and coffee)!

Husband is recovering slowly from sinus surgery. First the ER nose bleed, massive pain, back injury, now the surgery. He's been in pain for most of this year! It's been three weeks since he could help out much, I can really feel for the single mom.

My local yarn store, Let It Rain, is going out of business. I'm sad beyond words-support your local stores, restaurants and merchants!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Friends and Family

Butters enjoyed his party at the Everett Children's Museum, Imaginarium. He was excited to be at this favorite place with his friends. We had a party room, where he shared his throne with lots of friends and they played with peanut butter play dough. We had another earthworm birthday cake, some wonderful homemade and re-used birthday gifts and a family dinner after.

The party was a success because so many people helped me! My friends help set up the food and clean up, family held the baby and made dinner. I enjoyed the day and all the details involved. The mom from the party next door asked to borrow a flame for the candle-I had a lighter, cake cutter, the cake and a plastic bag for the dirty pan. I learned from experience, I had forgotten a lighter for the candles at my wedding, but my dad came through. This time, I didn't make the same mistake.

Butters spent most of the day with a little smile on his face, but he clearly was overwhelmed at times. Note the Tired Red Ear.

Some friends are leaving me again, Ziggy's mom is going back to Russia, but a friend who left for Alaska might be returning. I hate goodbyes. I've had a lot of people go in and out of my life and I've left a lot of friends. It's just part of life, but it doesn't make it easier. I'm happy to have met two new moms that live closer to me and that's been a nice, easy friendship. Both can be tough, making friends and loosing them. Butters is learning how to do both as well.

Sunday was a day of rest, for me and my mom anyway! I got to take the day off, well, 5 hours at least! The last time I was without both children was March 2nd (but who's counting!!). Mom and I met up with Clizzaire for lunch and tea and in the evening, we went to the casino. Mom bought me some knitting books. She's so great. I couldn't have done this week without her. All of us are tired and recovering. This week DH (darling husband) is having sinus surgery. Wish him luck, it will be time to call on friends and family, again.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Boy Is Three

Butters is 3! We had a nice family celebration on Tuesday with an earthworm birthday cake-a special request. More partying still to come.

Husband is still hurting, but Grandma is here to help so we are keeping...sane. For now! Thanks for all the well wishes. If you live in the area and want to cut my grass, come on over.

I had a little time to sew last week or the week before (I'm so tired, I don't remember). I had to use up some bobbin thread to work on a secret birthday project for Auntie Maria. I made Butters some quick bean bags (the easier solution would be to buy more bobbins, but it's hard to leave the house alone). The bags were fast and far from perfect and to thumb my nose at the media-I filled them with RICE!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Little Things

It's the little things that make you feel special-seeing Butters reach over and hold Baby E's hand, snuggling in bed with my arms around both of them.

There are lots of little things we are learning to do every day!

It's also the little things that make you feel pain-reaching down to tie your shoes, twisting to get the parking slip, these little things were enough for my husband to end up flat on his back, taking an ambulance ride and staying in the hospital in San Francisco for three days while on a business trip. He's on the road to recovery, with a lot of help from Grandpa. Thanks Gpa, for cutting grass, making dinners, changing diapers, walking to the park, loading and unloading the dishwasher, plugging in guitars and all the little things that made us feel special!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

So Much to Catch Up On!

Big updates to include you on, I have so much to catch up on, I have a lot to get out of my head First off, Baby E:

Teeth: Got the bottom right one on May 1st. Others are coming in soon.

Hair: Just enough to get messed up now. Not in a big way, more like when your eyebrows are messed up after a funny night sleep.

We went for a family indoor swim and the baby was kicking around like crazy, she loved it. She loves everything. I'm taking happy lessons from her. Butters and I swim a few times a month, but he was a little overwhelmed by all the kids. We've been playing outside a lot with some Spring weather. The baby likes the swing, too. Sometimes Butters doesn't want me to push her. The lilac bush is starting to open and I'm finally wearing flip flops.

Baby E is in the easily distracted stage of breast feeding. She hears a sound and jerks her head. Not fun. All the lactating ladies out there know what I'm talking about. We've been going upstairs to nurse by ourselves which is nice to have some alone time. It also gives me a chance to read, I've been devouring books. You may think I should be bonding with her, but her eyes are closed, so what, am I supposed to stare at her? I look at her all the time. It's all good.

Books I read: Cocktails for Three by Medeleine Wickham, Broken Paradise by Cecilia Samartin (great fiction about Cuba's revolution), Captain Hornblower by CS Forester (I know, a very unlikely choice but this is a great series) and Friday Night Knitting Club (I'm pissed about the end).

Speaking of books, Butters has transitioned into longer books. It seemed to happen all of a sudden. The board picture books are still fun, but he's loving stories. Mercer Mayer's Little Critter and Little Monster and a Halloween mouse book he picked out at the library. He likes stories and likes to tell stories and has a ton of funny sayings: Yep, that's right. That's fantastic. It sure is. He put this hamper over his head and said,"I'm a silly guy, Mama!"

I don't mean to be self-deprecating in this blog, and I do feel lucky to have this job, I'm trying to share the truth because I know others can relate and maybe I can help them feel better! A friend of mine who recently had a baby told me, "This is so hard! It's so much harder than I thought it would be!" I want others to know what they could be getting into. Of course, there are the dear moments that I want to remember as well. Carrying Baby E in the backpack and feeling her little hand hold my elbow. Waking up this morning and Butters telling me, "Oranges are juicy." I just don't want to bore you with only the good stuff. I'm very proud to be a mom. I'm just realizing we haven't evolved to do it alone.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Problem...

...with this job is that if I mess up, then someone turns out to be an ax murderer! I mean think about it, when you hear about school shootings, it's always, 'where were the parents?"

I can be too hard on myself. At the end of every day, I think about things I should have done differently or ways I should have behaved better. I never did that when it was data entry! I went home, I went out. No one ends up a complete mess if I screwed up a database, messed up a protest, forgot to dump a toilet bucket. Today, I tried to be a more fun mom and just let things go, b/c Butters really reacts how I react. If I react strongly, he's comes back with even more. So, I tried to not let the little things bug me. "Hey buddy, can you not chew on the couch. You don't see mama biting the coach, do you?" But, I still ended up snapping a little and yelling. I think it's time to switch to tea and yoga. Coffee and knitting clearly aren't working.

Actually, I know what the problem is, it's been too long since I've been with my peeps. My family, my old friends. Luckily, Grandma Sue is on her way. I was debating about the 6 hour flight, solo w/ 2 kids. Time is too short, money for the flight isn't as important, it's time to see my family. I'm appreciating the little things, the baby smiles constantly, so that helps. Butters has a great imagination and tells me the best stories. I'm trying to enjoy the moment.

I will enjoy the moment.