My public apology to the Yarn Harlot

I started reading the
Yarn Harlot's blog when we moved here to Washington and I was instantly addicted. I get pissed at her if she doesn't update. She usually doesn't post on the weekend, but I check anyway, hoping for a surprise. (I know I need to get bloglines and they'll tell me, I'm just old fashioned, I guess). It's strange b/c you feel voyeuristic, looking into some one's life. She writes mainly about knitting but also about life-her teenage daughters, home improvement, etc. She is a vegetarian, she supports breastfeeding, she organized knitted hats for the homeless, she rarely wears a bra, she has naturally curly hair-I guess I can really relate to her!
Last year, she came to
Third Place Books and gave a speech. I dragged my aunt, who was visiting and my man stayed home with the boy. I was giddy as I sat in the back row listening and knitting. I was third in line to have my book signed. I've met a number of famous people-but I was more excited about the Harlot (Sting, Robin Williams, Bonnie Rait, Julia Butterfly, Sean Penn and one of the Grateful Dead members walked in on me in the bathroom at Randy Hayes' house, he probably forgot about it seconds later.)
In January, I attended the
Madrona Fiber Festival were Stephanie (aka the Harlot) was going to teach a class for about 15 students! Sign ups started at 8 am. I was online at 7:59 waiting! I emailed her ahead of time and she actually wrote back asking about my expectations, I planned on being the best student there. I kept reminding my husband that I would go, it's was well thought out. I had my bag of knitting projects with questions packed for at least a week. Have I imparted to you how important this was to me?
Well, now we get to the apology part. I woke up totally sick and I had a feeling I might be pregnant. I wouldn't let this stop me. No medicine, no caffeine, only Ginger Ale and mapquest directions-I drive 1 1/2 hours down to Tacoma and nothing goes right. I get lost, I have to pay for parking, I'm driving with a plastic bag on my lap. But, I'm there in time to check out the market place (where I'm tempted to learn how to spin and I pass up Socks That Rock-that will never happen again!!!)
The Harlot lead a great class, but I don't shine. I barely participate, I think of funny things to say, but I just don't have the energy, I don't bring out any of my questions, I don't even have a pen to take notes. So Harlot, I'm sorry. I WAS about 4 weeks pregnant and busy spitting cells and catering to a baby the size of a grain of rice! I enjoyed your class and wanted to say funny things, like when you talked about how knitters are productive people and statistics show the more kids you have the more you knit, I thought, 'Maybe knitting just makes you horny?' You would think that was funny. I had a question on my first sock that I worked on for your Knitting Olympics and wanted to find out how I ended up on the purl side. (It's okay, I figured out that I picked up in reverse.) I know as a mother of three you can find it in your heart to forgive me, and maybe next year I'll bring along a 4 month old and I'll be even more distracted!
Until then I offer you my 2 biggest secretes for curly hair: Aveda's Be Curly is worth every penny and if you get super frizzy try a dot of olive oil in your hands and run it through the top layer.
(Picture is YH and me at Third Place Books, when I was looking pretty good and now I don't look quite like that anymore. I even put in earrings for the occasion!)